Dr. Jacqueline Wernimont, Lab Director

Jacqueline Wernimont is an anti-racist, feminist scholar working toward greater justice in digital cultures. She writes about long histories of media and technology – particularly those that count and commemorate — and entanglements with archives and historiographic ways of knowing. She is a network weaver across humanities, arts, and sciences. This work includes co-Directing HASTAC and Dartmouth’s Digital Humanities and Social Engagement Cluster.
Nikki Stevens, Lab Manager

Nikki Stevens is a software engineer, open-source contributor and PhD candidate at Arizona State University. Their dissertation focuses on the ways in which invited surveillance (like the Amazon Echo) reinforces whiteness and cisgenderedness. They are an active open source contributor and in 2017 won the Aaron Winborn Award for their open source community work.
Caroline Casey

Caroline Casey ’21 is a Dartmouth undergraduate from Baton Rouge, Louisiana pursuing a degree in Quantitative Social Science with a minor in Religion. At Dartmouth, she is co-president of Planned Parenthood Generation Action of New Hampshire. She is also a member of the Student Advisory Board for the Sexual Violence Prevention Project, as well as a student interviewer for SpeakOut, an oral history project of LGBT+ history of Dartmouth. She is passionate about reproductive justice and voting rights.
Kirby Phares

Kirby Phares ‘21 is a student at Dartmouth College from Louisiana, studying Quantitative Social Science. She focuses on the intersection between health and data. As an avid sports fan, she enjoys applying her knowledge of data to analyze all things sports and reports her findings and predictions on her radio show at Dartmouth. She is also a sports contributor at the Dartmouth College newspaper and a student interviewer for SpeakOut, an oral history project of LGBTQ+ history of Dartmouth. Her greatest passion lies in storytelling and believes that data analysis and visualization can help tell the stories that numbers cannot.
Christiana Rose

Christiana Rose is an interdisciplinary artist and graduate student in the Digital Musics Program at Dartmouth College. Her work blends the disciplines of sound, contemporary circus arts, film, interactive system design and theater. Through her work she aims to critique and inspire dialogue, introspection, and action into our behaviors, digital technologies, and nature. Rose holds a double-degree in Technology in Music and Related Arts (TIMARA) and Cinema Studies from Oberlin College and Conservatory of Music. She is also a graduate of Prague Film School and MOTH Contemporary Circus Center.